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What Are Blinds In Poker?

Poker has some terminology that may be confusing even to some of the more experienced players. However, much like any casino table game, poker has its own technical terms that may be useful to understand and could potentially help you make better decisions when playing.

If you're new to poker, understanding these terms can be overwhelming at first, but learning the terms can get easier as you become more familiar with the game. In this post, we will look at one of these terms; blinds. We will explore what blinds in poker mean, how they work and whether or not you can play poker without them.

Continue reading this Wizard Slots blog post to find out!

What Are Big Blinds & Small Blinds In Poker?

Before we can get into how blinds work in poker, we first have to explain what they are. Blinds are a type of wager that a poker player has to place before they can play. These wagers are a mandatory part of the game and need to be paid before the cards can be dealt.

They are called blinds because of the position the players are placing their hold on the table.

How Do Blinds Work In Poker?

To start off, poker has small blinds and big blinds. Small blinds are placed by a player next to the dealer on the left, and the player to the left of the small blind wager places the big blind.

Usually, big blinds are twice the size of small blinds, but in some games, they can be smaller. It should not be hard to find the amount of small blinds or big blinds, as they are often displayed on the table. For example, let's say your poker table is £10/ £20 poker. That means a small blind is £10 and a big blind is £20.

In Texas Hold 'em and Omaha games, the blinds are the last to partake in the pre-flop betting game. After that, all betting rounds start with the small blind. However, if the small blind is out of the game, the next player to the left begins the game.

What Is The Purpose Of Blinds In Poker?

Blinds are crucial in poker because they technically force players to take action. Once the blinds have been placed, other players must either bet, raise or call. Without the blinds, players would just keep folding until they have good hands. That way, the game can advance.

Additionally, blinds ensure that everyone participates with an "equal" amount of chips. It does this by rotating clockwise after each hand, which then ensures that everyone has a chance to make a blind.

Another purpose for blinds would be to motivate the players to actively participate by ensuring they have a starting pot. That can be particularly true for tournaments.

Can You Play Poker Without Blinds?

Technically yes, you can play poker without blinds. However, each poker game may have its own set of rules depending on the casino or the type of poker it is. Usually, in Texas Hold 'em and Omaha games, blinds may be mandatory.

However, in cases where blinds are not present, players may use ante bets. An ante bet is similar to blinds, but instead of being paid by two players at a time, it is paid by the whole table before any cards can be dealt. 

Please note that these two bets are not mutually exclusive. Some poker tournaments may use both. But, you are more likely to find poker casino games with blinds than without, as most poker players believe they provide structure to the game.